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From the Spanish Civil War to World War II

Thursday 29 June 2017, 9:30 – 16:00
Michael Sadler Building, room 3.11

From the Spanish Civil War to World War II. Trajectories of transnational antifascist volunteers

School of History, University of Leeds, Michael Sadler Building, room 3.11




9:30 – 12:00: Panel I

·       Nir Arielli and Enrico Acciai (University of Leeds) – Introduction

·       Richard Baxell (London School of Economics) – “Changing the fronts and the weapons; former British and Irish International Brigaders in the Second World War”

·       Fraser Raeburn (University of Edinburgh) – “An enemy within? The boundaries of International Brigade veterans’ participation in the British war effort”

·       Jorge Marco (University of Bath) – “I want your ideas: US International Brigaders in the OSS during WWII”

Chair: Nir Arielli (University of Leeds)


12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break


13:00 – 14:00: Panel II

·       Enrico Acciai (University of Leeds) – “Albanian antifascist fighters: from the Spanish Civil War to the European resistance movements”

·       Erica Grossi and Andrea Torre (Insmli – Aicvas) – “Oggi in Spagna, domani in Italia. Italian antifascists between the Spanish Civil War and the European Resistance. A digital database”

Chair: Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom (University of Leeds)


14:00 – 14:15 Coffee break


14:15 – 16:00: Panel III

·       Morten Heiberg (University of Copenhagen) – “Nordic visions of the Spanish Civil War: Why Scandinavians sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Second Spanish Republic”

·       Samuel Kruzinga (University of Amsterdam) – “The First Resisters? Dutch trajectories from the Spanish Civil War to Occupation and Resistance, 1936-1945”

·       Jens Spath (Universitat des Saarlandes) – “The Spanish experience and resistance: German antifascists 1939-1945”

Chair: Peter Anderson (University of Leeds)